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레이블이 3 axis sensor인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2023년 8월 16일 수요일

BISOPE series 44 Point, Line, and Planesquare sound sources distance at...

BISOPE series 44- Point, Line, and Plane(square) sound sources (distance attenuation)


A sound source is a source that generates sound power. If sound sources are classified in the form of poles, they can be classified into monopole, dipole, and quadrupole sound sources. Among them, a point source is a source that is radiated forming a spherical wave from a small sphere that periodically expands and contracts as a result of a change in volume, and is also called a monopole source. In addition, when countless point sources form a straight line, this form like a train is called a line source.

The power radiated from the sound source decreases linearly in the area that can be assumed to be a free sound field (an area that is not very close to the sound source and the sound pressure decreases uniformly as the distance increases). '. In other words, the farther the distance, the quieter the sound. However, the attenuation ratio of the sound power according to the distance is different depending on the shape of the sound source. That is, points decay quickly and lines decay slowly. explain this


distance attenuation according to the sound source


point, line and plane are explained by speaker, train and wall.


All copyright Korea CBM written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415, www.kCBM.kr

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