레이블이 Impact test인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Impact test인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2024년 3월 20일 수요일

인도교의 고유주파수, 공진 진동 안정성 측정 기술사례에 관하여

 인도교의 고유주파수, 공진 진동 안정성 측정 기술사례에 관하여


최근 인도교, 보행교, 작은 규모의 교량에 관하여 사고사례가 있었습니다.

전체의 구조(교량, 케이블, 기둥/탑, 건물, 배관 등)가 가지고 있는 '고유주파수'를 끄집어 내는 공진측정, 구조나 기계를 이루는 개별 부품들이나 중간 조립체의 고유주파수 산출 진동측정은 종합 조립체인 교량, 플랜트, 건설의 동하중 예측에서 매우 중요한 공학적 설계 대상에 속합니다. 무엇보다도 유체진동 및 지진이 고유주파수와 중첩하게 되는 과도한 흔들림(공진)은 큰 안전문제로 이어지기 때문입니다. 그래서 알고 있어야 합니다. Natural frequency?가 무엇인지… 모달 테스트가 무엇?인지…공진?이 무엇인지...

교량 고유진동수 측정, 건물공진측정-visope


- 고유진동주파수(Natural frequency), FRF, 유제진동, 공진, Impact test, Modal test, EMA

- 다양한 공진측정방법론의 적용, 다양한 측정시스템의 적용

- 위치별 분석, 방향별 분석, 해머의 팁, 독특한 방법론


- 교량진동, 고유주파수, 쿨링팬진동, 건물진동, 플랜트진동, 건물안전평가, 기계진동원인, 유체기인진동, 맥동과 관련된 진동, 충격진동, 공조팬의 진동, 구조물의 공진, 대형구조물의 진동, 대형크레인진동, 가스터빈의 공진, 배관파이프진동, 기어베어링진동

- 진동문제 (대형기계, 대형구조물, 초고층 빌딩, 로봇, 건축기계설비, 정유 중화학공장, 제지, 전력, 가스, 에너지, 시멘트, 공작기계, 식품제조, 전자생산, 조선, 수송기계, 반도체, 정밀기계)

More information? ->한국CBM(주) vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415, www.kCBM.kr


#진동분석, #공진분석, #기어박스진동, #공진주파수, #주파수분석, #공진측정, #modal, #모달테스트, #FFT, #vibration, #진동측정, #진동센서, #PCB, #무선진동센서, #철도진동, #철도레일진동, #철도차량진동, #철도CBM, #철도차축베어링진동

#인도교, #소형교량의 #고유진동측정과 평가

-다양한 #공진측정기술

-구조의 이력서, 고유주파수 산출

-고유주파수가 맞는가? 확실한가? 공진은?

2023년 11월 21일 화요일

BISOPE series 46 How do sound waves travel where there is no light refr...

BISOPE series 46- How do sound waves travel where there is no light? (refraction and diffraction)


We are taught that light is faster than anything else, so we miss the meaning of having powerful energy. Therefore, wherever the light reached, there was hot energy. However, it was not always so where the sound reached. I could hear the sound even in the dark. I heard it even though it was blocked.

If sound and light are transmitted to an invisible place, let's say that they can be seen as passing through an obstacle or being reflected secondarily on another plane. But if you can hear sound in the back corner where there is no such thing, how on earth can you explain this?

Huygens–Fresnel principle


Waves appear in the form of light, sound, surface waves, earthquakes, vibrations, etc., and have characteristics of reflection, refraction, and diffraction. Light is a transverse wave in which the direction of vibration of the medium and the direction of propagation of the wave are different, but sound is a longitudinal wave having a wave of low density (low density, high density medium) in the direction of propagation of the wave. If the sound propagation direction is referred to as a sound ray, the perpendicular plane is called a 'wavefront' (a plane obtained by connecting all points of the same phase when the wave propagates).

The principle by which sound can be heard in a confined, narrow, and dark place is explained by Huygens' principle. “Each point on one wavefront becomes the point source of the next wavefront, and a spherical wave is generated. The envelope that touches all of the spherical waves created by these point sources becomes the next wavefront.” Huygens' principle can be used to explain the phenomena of reflection, refraction, interference, and diffraction of waves.






bending of the sound ray

Propagation of sound in areas behind obstacles


Snell's Law


When the medium changes, the angle of incidence and angle of transmission change.

Huygens–Fresnel principle


- deflects to the lower speed of sound


- Refraction towards the lower temperature.


- bends in the direction the wind blows

- The larger the wavelength, the more diffraction occurs.


-The smaller the size of the obstacle (the smaller the hole, the more diffraction.


2022년 11월 16일 수요일

BISOPE series 21 Spectrum setting method Max frequency setting

BISOPE series 21- Spectrum setting method-Max frequency setting


In the spectrum, which is a graph for vibration analysis, “How many Hz should the maximum frequency be set?”, “What is the Fmax?”, “How much is the sample frequency?” If you are hearing these questions, you need to understand what the Max frequency is. Inquiries related to this can be divided into two types. One may ask what the term 'maximum frequency' itself is, and the other will mean how much to set the maximum frequency. Here we will try to answer your questions related to this.


The maximum analysis frequency (Max frequency) should be placed so that the frequency of interest is centered...




maximum frequency; The maximum analysis frequency is expressed as ‘fmax’ and is t............


All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr
