2024년 4월 3일 수요일

BISOPE series 58 Motor related electrical and vibration diagnostic terms

BISOPE series 58- Motor-related electrical and vibration diagnostic terms


In order to diagnose motors (electric motors), you must understand the operating principles of the motor, but first you must know the corresponding terminology. If you cannot understand the terminology used by motor experts and public affairs and maintenance teams (electrical, relay, mechanical), you will inevitably have poor data for important analysis. Then comes the diagnosis. Of course, there are diagnostic terms, but it can be said to be the same way a doctor learns basic anatomy and learns medical terminology first. Here, motor-related electrical terms and terms for vibration diagnosis are defined.

Motor terminology


number of revolutions

It is the degree of rotation speed and is expressed as RPM (Revolution Per Minute).



It refers to rotational force and is expressed as kgfm or Nm.



It refers to the property of an object to maintain its state of motion unless an external force acts on it.


#PDM, #predictive maintenance, #equipment diagnosis, #vibration, #machine diagnosis, #vibration analysis, #vibration defect, #condition diagnosis, #CBM, #machine condition and vibration

#Vibration measurement, #resonance measurement, #resonance analysis, #vibration diagnosis, #vibration noise problem, #vibration noise education, #vibration noise monitoring, #vibration law, #vibration sensor, #noise sensor, #3-axis vibration sensor, #wireless Vibration monitoring, #CBM diagnostic monitoring, #railway vibration, #building vibration, #bridge vibration, #bearing vibration, #gear vibration diagnosis

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