적용사례-무선진동_온도 상태모니터링시스템(Wi-care): 크러셔 유성기어
Wi-care wireless vibration and temperature condition monitoring system
Friction and lubrication under control: Mixer in a chemical plant
화학공장에설치된 Mixer설비의 마찰과 윤활문제
A few of the rotating machines in your plant have the criticality to bring production to a halt. On top of a shutdown system installed on this equipment to prevent catastrophic failure, it is interesting to think about having continuous health information about these machines. Roughly 50% of machinery damages, leading to downtime, are linked to process, and 90% of them are predictable – even manageable. The wireless vibration added values are well known and justify fully the use of Wi-care regardless of whether you want to revamp your actual wired system or install a completely new one. The following case study describes and explains a typical remote analysis application of continuous friction/lubrication monitoring on a mixer in chemical plant. The continuous surveillance was set up in a very effective way for the customer and analyst: For the Customer: Easy detection, fast diagnosis and monitoring from the friction issue on a critical mixer asset with low upfront investment and lower costs than manual/traditional online monitoring. For the analyst: Continuous data, instant trend data and 24/7 protection, higher confidence without any travel or measurement time spent The world is turning wireless, condition monitoring too! Equipment, plant overview, Context The Chemical site is a Phosphoric Acid Plant operating 24 Hours 7 d
Equipment, plant overview,
Context The Chemical site is a Phosphoric Acid Plant operating 24 Hours 7 days a week, established for many years in Africa. 일년내내 상시가동되는 아프리카 화학공장. The Equipment in question is a large mixer involved in the acid production and a very large fan for production air treatment. 산성화학물에 관련물질을 생산하는 대형혼합기에 공기를 주입하는 대형 팬설비. Routine measurement performed with potable data collector indicated friction on both of these machines bearings. 포터블 진동데이타 수집장치로 정기적으로 측정하여 베어링에 마찰을 감시한다. Cage frequency issues were detected, indicating higher than normal levels of friction. 케이지 주파수가 감지되었고 마찰관련 진동이 비정상적으로 증가하였다. These raised levels would not warrant an immediate replacement but the next planned shutdown was in 10 months time. 진동이 상승되었지만 당장 교체할 수 없었고 일정상 10개월이후에나 셧다운이 가능하였다. I-Care suggest the installation of Wi-care wireless vibration/temperature monitoring system and the analysis/trending by its remote team to ensure no premature escalation in the evolution of the defect. 우리는 무선진동/온도 모니터링시스템을 이용하여 원격으로 결함을 감시하였다.
The Wi-care system is set up on the main bearing housing of the mixer shaft. Outlined below is the standard spectrum collected with the Wi-care wireless monitoring system at the lower radial position. Display is in acceleration units G PK. The dominant frequency appears at 185 Hz and its harmonics. In addition there is a lot of random vibration/noise visible in the spectrum indicating friction Analyst diagnosis and spectrum justification: Friction in mixer bearings
Analyst observations
Same predominant frequency from October 2013 around 180 Hz (variable machine speed). The friction is easy to identify with the portable data collector and the Wi-care wireless even though the levels are not high. 마찰관련 데이터는 포터블 데이터수집기와 wicare무선진동센서를 이용해서 진동량이 높지 않아도 쉽게 확인할 수 있었다. The close attention to bearing lubrication levles based on Wi-care monitoring maintains a stable friction and avoidance of a decrease in bearing health. wicare를 활용하여 모니터링하는 방법으로 베어링 윤활 수준에 집중하였고 안정적인 마찰상태를 유지할 수 있었고 베어링의 상태를 일정하게 유지할 수 있었다.
Wi care, I care, 방폭무선센서, 무선진동센서, 스펙트럼 무선전송, 인터넷기반, 설비진단, 진동문제, 원격진단
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