레이블이 vibrometer인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 vibrometer인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2024년 12월 25일 수요일

BISOPE series 73 Basic procedure for measuring collecting vibration data

Since vibration data contains many hints for process, result, and prediction, it is one of the monitoring parameters used for analyzing failures, detecting risks, and extending life. In order to measure this vibration, you need a sensor, measuring instrument, and analysis program, but you cannot get the same result by simply turning on the radio and listening to it without education. Some people ask for analysis after storing vibration data on a recorder like storing music on a recorder. It seems that the method of storage was not very important. At this time, I would like to talk about the following.


Basics for collecting correct vibration data


The following is basic, but you should know the importance of measurement, and you will be able to see how the results of measuring without procedures were a waste of time.


Vibration measurement, vibration accelerometer, attachment method, contact resonance frequency, FFT, vibrometer, vibration sensor #vibration measuring instrument, #frequency setting, #Fmax, #maximum frequency, #sampling frequency, #sampling rate, #FFT, #3-axis vibration sensor, #acceleration sensor, #vibration education, #building vibration, #vibration measurement, #resonance analysis, #resonance measurement, #vibration monitoring, #vibration noise consulting  www.kCBM.kr,   https://blog.naver.com/vs72 , https://contents.premium.naver.com/bisope/visope

2023년 5월 24일 수요일

BISOPE series 38 Instrument level difference between Vibrometer vibrati...

BISOPE series 38- Instrument level difference between Vibrometer (vibration meter) and FFT (frequency analyzer; multi-channel vibration analyzer)


Unlike temperature measurement, where you can select only Celsius or Fahrenheit and press a button, you need to know a lot about 'vibration' before measuring. How to select units and how far is the frequency range? What are the types of sensors and how to attach them? Also where? in which direction? Everyone should know how to measure. As a metaphor, 'knowledge is something that is easy for those who know it, unlike wisdom that is difficult even if you know it.' If you know about the vibration, it is easy to measure the selectivity of the instrument.


Distinct difference between vibrometer (vibrometer and frequency analyzer FFT vibration analyzer)


Recent vibrometers that can perform simple spectrum frequency analysis and trend storage are being sold at low prices, but in general, vibrometers do not have as precise or diverse functions as FFT (vibration frequency analyzer). Therefore, it is necessary to know the practical optimal knowledge that can identify these differences, and refer to the following.




Frequency analyzer (FFT, multi-channel vibration analyzer)



Types and uses of instrumentation

Magnet-attached or probe-type machine surface vibration measurement, machine condition management

Select the number of simultaneous measurement channels, whether to measure FRF (resonance), machine diagnosis, long term recording (DAQ), rotor dynamics, front-end or hand held, for Labs and machine analysis

Sensor selection

-The magnet attached type is better than the probe stick type because measurement stability and high frequency are possible.

-Sensitivity modifiable instrument (high sensitivity, high impact measurement possible)

-Sensitivity modifiable instrument (high sensitivity, high impact measurement possible)

-For low frequency detection (using displacement sensor and DC sensor, or using acceleration of 500mV/g or higher)


-General type acceleration sensor (100mV/g)


-High impact acceleration sensor (10mV/g)



This data is very realistic and it is the result confirmed in the actual domestic industrial field, but it can be subjective and biased, so please refer to it.


All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr


#vibration measurement, #vibration accelerometer, #sensor attachment method, #contact resonance frequency, #FFT, #vibrometer, #vibration sensor, #3 axis vibration, #frequency, #resonance, #resonance analysis, #resonance measurement, #frequency measurement, #vibration and noise education, #frequency analysis, #monitoring, #vibration measurement, #vibration diagnosis, #facility diagnosis

2022년 7월 21일 목요일

비교샘- 진동계(Vibrometer)과 FFT 진동 주파수분석기(Vibration analyzer)]-대표적인 진동계측기 분류

 비교샘- 진동계(Vibrometer)과 FFT 진동 주파수분석기(Vibration analyzer)]-대표적인 진동계측기 분류


FFT 진동 주파수분석기(FFT Vibration analyzer)

-간단한 진폭 단위의 선택이나 진동량(Overall)값의 측정.

-가장 많은 현장 설비진동체크용 계측기

-자석부착식 또는 탐침봉식

-출력: 변위(µm p-p), 속도(mm/s rms), 가속도(G rms)

-빠르기선택: Slow(환경측정용), Fast(일반기계측정)

-주파수범위: 기본최대 셋팅.

-주파수스펙트럼: 대부분 없으나 최근 모델은 탑재가능.

-측정시기: 평균상태를 나타내는 시기와 순간진동 계측

* 참조가격대(진동계:2백만원 이하, FFT진동분석기:3천만원 이상~)

-정밀, 다양기능(설비관리, 모니터링)탑재 진동 주파수분석기(Vibration analyzer)

-진동전문가용, 진동진단, 분석가용

-연구용(Front end, multi ch FFT), 모니터링용(VMS, CMS)

-동시측정 채널수, FRF(공진)측정여부, 기계진단용, Long term recording용(DAQ), Rotor dynamics용, Portable 등 측정대상 및 용도에 맞도록 선택

-출력: 변위(µm p-p), 속도(mm/s rms), 가속도(G rms),

AC/DC, Volt, 4~20mA

-Trend측정(Route기법적용), Transient(과도기법적용, Rotor dynamics), Averaging, Overlapping, Window, AC/DC

- 주파수범위 측정대상의 Fmax 주파수선택

- 저주파일 경우 Sampling time길어야함.

- Line수 설정(선명도), Cut off설정(Noise)

- 측정시기:부하상태(속도, 하중, 압력)를 동시에 입력 계측

-HW다양측정기능, SW다양한분석기능이 계측시스템의 핵심.

All copyright 한국CBM written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415, www.kCBM.kr