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레이블이 Frequency인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2024년 12월 1일 일요일

진동소음공진 하이라이트 343-visope (현의고유주파수, 철도진동, Hz, 비교AI)


시계추와 기타줄의 고유주파수

단진자는 질량을 가진 추가 선으로 중력을 받고 있을 때 좌우로 초기 힘을 주고 나면 반복하여 운동하게 된다.

선의 길이(L)가 짧으면 빨리 반복하고 선이 길면 느리게 반복한다. 그런데 여기에서 물리적인 경험에서 약간 느끼기 어려운 점이 있다면 이 고유한 운동의 반복성은 질량과는 관련이 없다는 점이다. 단지 선의 길이와 관련이 있을 뿐이다.


지진과 철도진동(노면진동)의 차이

대형건물은 생활의 안락감, 경제성, 환경문제, 안전성 그리고 기존설계의 변경 측면에서 매우 엄격하므로 면진장치를 적용한 설계시 정밀한 해석이 선행되어야 한다.

대형건물을 지진으로부터 면진시키는 방법이나 원리는 철도에서 발생하는 지반의 진동을 면진시키는 것과 같으나 다음과 같은 관점에서 다르게 취급되고 있다. 즉,이 것이 지진과 철도진동..https://contents.premium.naver.com/bisope/visope/contents/241107075044285ts

Frequency와 Hz

대표적인 Hz의 사용예

(지진 2Hz, 모터회전수 29Hz, 소리 4kHz, 초음파 43kHz, FM 라디오 89MHz, 핸드폰 1.2GHz, 적외선 430 THz, Xray 3x10¹⁸ Hz...)..


비교를 통한 러닝 그리고 분류, 군집

인공지능이 편의성을 추구하는 인간을 위해 기계의 결함을 진단하고 고장을 예측하는데 많은 연구가 가지에서 전세계적으로 진행중이다. 하지만 여기에는 뭔가 다른 점이 있다. 기계의 결함진단은 모두 전문가들이 수행하는 영역으로서 기존의 다른 영역처럼 비전문가의 영역(노동집약, 단순분리영역, 행동예측, 통계처리 등)의 경우와 다르다...https://contents.premium.naver.com/bisope/visope/contents/241119071457042ia

#비교원리, #머신러닝, #AI, #군집분류, #주파수, #Hz, #고유진동수, #고유주파수, #철도진동, #철도차량진동, #철도노면진동, #지진진동, #frequency, #헤르쯔



2024년 7월 3일 수요일

BISOPE series 63 Graphs related to amplitude and frequency

BISOPE series 63- Graphs related to amplitude and frequency       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

There is an object that changes its position and repeatedly moves back and forth around a certain standard. On the other hand, there are objects that end with a single push or pull. Which one takes more strength? If you look closely at the fitness equipment nearby in your daily life, you will see that what you moved with effort must be returned to its original position before you can apply force in the same direction in the next exercise. In fact, which force is applied is not that important when comparing two movements. However, the key is how much greater force is applied and how often. We understand that all physical waves appear as noise in the air and as vibration (repetition) in objects. And if you draw it as a two-dimensional graph, it can be expressed directly as the X and Y axes. This is ‘change in size over time’.


X and Y axes of vibration


The X~~~


Y axis

Main unit

Displacement (µm, mm), velocity (mm/s, cm/s), acceleration (m/s², G)

Sub unit

0-peak, peak to peak, rms


The ‘Z’ axis (third axis) can be used to express the amplitude of vibration, and it mainly plays the role of RPM in Campbell, Waterfall, etc.


Unit of vibration, amplitude unit, displacement speed acceleration, rms, peak, vibration energy, amplitude …….. www.kCBM.kr,   https://blog.naver.com/vs72 , https://contents.premium.naver.com/bisope/visope




2024년 1월 28일 일요일

BISOPE series 54 Measurement direction and location of vibration sensor...

BISOPE series 54- Measurement direction and location of vibration sensor (DE, NDE)


It is said that the horizontal vibration on the NDE side is high. Where should I look?

Looking at the components of a rotating machine, they can first be divided into the driving part (driving part) side, the driven part (driven part) side, and the coupling (direct coupling, buffer type, belt, etc.) that connects them. Another connection element may be a gearbox that requires an additional separate coupling. Since each component is a machine that is all connected and rotates together, the speed may be different, but vibration is transmitted between each other, and if any connecting part is incorrect or misaligned, the entire machine (equipment) is affected by vibration. Therefore, determining what the vibration is like at a certain location is a very important appointment. Among these, DE and NDE are words that you must know and understand.


​DE, NDE and Outboard, Inboard


Naming the location of the facility is an issue that has already been------



#Vibration diagnosis of #compressor, #screw compressor, #lobe, #GMF, #pulse frequency, #fft, #resonance analysis, #bearing vibration, #gear vibration, #vibration education, #vibration sensor, #vibration monitoring, #frequency , #resonance analysis, #resonance measurement, #spectrum

2023년 5월 24일 수요일

BISOPE series 38 Instrument level difference between Vibrometer vibrati...

BISOPE series 38- Instrument level difference between Vibrometer (vibration meter) and FFT (frequency analyzer; multi-channel vibration analyzer)


Unlike temperature measurement, where you can select only Celsius or Fahrenheit and press a button, you need to know a lot about 'vibration' before measuring. How to select units and how far is the frequency range? What are the types of sensors and how to attach them? Also where? in which direction? Everyone should know how to measure. As a metaphor, 'knowledge is something that is easy for those who know it, unlike wisdom that is difficult even if you know it.' If you know about the vibration, it is easy to measure the selectivity of the instrument.


Distinct difference between vibrometer (vibrometer and frequency analyzer FFT vibration analyzer)


Recent vibrometers that can perform simple spectrum frequency analysis and trend storage are being sold at low prices, but in general, vibrometers do not have as precise or diverse functions as FFT (vibration frequency analyzer). Therefore, it is necessary to know the practical optimal knowledge that can identify these differences, and refer to the following.




Frequency analyzer (FFT, multi-channel vibration analyzer)



Types and uses of instrumentation

Magnet-attached or probe-type machine surface vibration measurement, machine condition management

Select the number of simultaneous measurement channels, whether to measure FRF (resonance), machine diagnosis, long term recording (DAQ), rotor dynamics, front-end or hand held, for Labs and machine analysis

Sensor selection

-The magnet attached type is better than the probe stick type because measurement stability and high frequency are possible.

-Sensitivity modifiable instrument (high sensitivity, high impact measurement possible)

-Sensitivity modifiable instrument (high sensitivity, high impact measurement possible)

-For low frequency detection (using displacement sensor and DC sensor, or using acceleration of 500mV/g or higher)


-General type acceleration sensor (100mV/g)


-High impact acceleration sensor (10mV/g)



This data is very realistic and it is the result confirmed in the actual domestic industrial field, but it can be subjective and biased, so please refer to it.


All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr


#vibration measurement, #vibration accelerometer, #sensor attachment method, #contact resonance frequency, #FFT, #vibrometer, #vibration sensor, #3 axis vibration, #frequency, #resonance, #resonance analysis, #resonance measurement, #frequency measurement, #vibration and noise education, #frequency analysis, #monitoring, #vibration measurement, #vibration diagnosis, #facility diagnosis

2023년 4월 26일 수요일

BISOPE series 35 The frequency range of the sensormeans the degree of f...

BISOPE series 35- The frequency range of the sensor(means the degree of frequency response accuracy)


In selecting a transducer, the most important priority would be sensitivity and 'Frequency range'.

To explain the vertical axis in the graph of amplitude and frequency, it would be nice if one sensor could measure all amplitudes, but it can never be done because it depends on the sensitivity. To explain the horizontal axis in this way, if all sensors can measure all frequencies, there is no reason to select a sensor. This is because each type of vibration sensor, further subdivided, each type of vibration sensor (including an acceleration sensor) has its own frequency range of an area where measurement is accurate. This is called the frequency range.


Frequency range

The sensor indicates the range of measurable frequencies (e.g., acceleration sensor: 0.5 to 10 kHz), and the definition of this range is slightly different depending on the user, so that the maximum and minimum frequency ranges corresponding to the 'accurate zone' of the measurement can be selected. This frequency range is 'a reliable area where the sensor can output a properly matched signal; It means 'the range of frequency response accuracy according to the frequency sensitivity deviation', and although the meaning is slightly different from the non-linearity of the sensor, this reliable area can be expressed as a linear area.

Looking at the criterion of error amplitude related to the frequency domain, select the rate of change of the amplitude limit that can be judged by the presence or absence of an error, eg) ±3dB, ±5%, ±10%, etc., and the applicable frequency at this time is ..........


 All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr

2023년 3월 15일 수요일

BISOPE series 31 Relation between type of vibration sensor and unit of ...

BISOPE series 31- Relation between type of vibration sensor and unit of amplitude (displacement, velocity, acceleration) Vibration measurement and evaluation


If the desired 'unit' of vibration is selected as a result for the evaluation, the next step is to select an appropriate 'sensor'. First of all, it is necessary to check whether contact attachment is possible at the location to be measured... or whether the attachment method is appropriate. For example, in the case of high frequency (more than 5000Hz), the magnetic attachment method is not appropriate, and if you want to measure the behavior of an axis, it is difficult to use a contact sensor. Also, if you try to measure the speed and measure 5 Hz using a coin type speed sensor, you will get an amplified error signal. This is because the characteristics of each sensor are different depending on the amplitude band, frequency band, resonance band, etc.


Selection of displacement, velocity, and acceleration sensors such as amplitude units

Since the output voltage or current is proportional to each unit, the selection of the unit is not very different from the selection of the sensor. Sensors mainly used for diagnosing and monitoring equipment


1. Eddy current type displacement sensor (Proximity) that directly measures the behavior of a shaft supported by a sleeve bearing in a non-contact manner.

2. Accelerometer, which propagates shaft vibration to rolling bearing and measures it indirectly by contact method outside the bearing housing (indirectly transmitted to the housing by impact of the bearing connected to the shaft)

3. There is a velocity transducer that works without power.

However, among these, the speed sensor is very precise, but has a weakness limited to the range of 10 to 1000 Hz because it has a natural frequency in the upper and lower frequencies, which is why displacement sensors and acceleration sensors are widely used. (If it is out of this frequency range, an erroneous or amplified value is output.)

A sensor (transducer) is one of the components of a system that is mainly used by companies that use sensors to research, diagnose or manufacture monitoring equipment. Since the manufacturer has selected a sensor that fits a specific principle, the manufacturer has accumulated a lot of engineering grounds for this. In many cases, the level of engineering is considerably deeper than that of academia because it must be required and the reliability of the measurement needs to be verified.

Above all, this principle can be considered as the most basic sensor selection method. The reason why a displacement sensor is called a displacement sensor and an acceleration sensor is called an acceleration sensor is that each sensor generates an electrical output 'proportional to the amplitude unit'. It's because you do it. For example, since the value converted to displacement by outputting acceleration vibration with an acceleration sensor and integrating twice is not very accurate (especially when it is not a sine wave), it is better to measure acceleration vibration with an acceleration sensor, and displacement vibration It is basic to measure with a displacement sensor. However, there are cases where it is absolutely necessary to evaluate the health of a machine or the vibration of a building with the 'velocity' value, which is used as the most evaluation unit in academia and industry, so this only allows integration from the acceleration sensor once. Because the speed sensor isn't cool...

All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr

2023년 3월 1일 수요일

BISOPE series 30 Noise and Vibration Stay away from it if you are tire...

BISOPE series 30- Noise and Vibration- Stay away from it if you are tired- What is sound distance attenuation?


Whatever it is, power (#Power, output) itself is constant, but energy (#Energy, work) gets smaller as the distance increases; As you move, the energy gets smaller and smaller.


Noise and vibration are lost as kinetic energy and potential energy are transformed into thermal energy or other energy. That is, the wave energy must go through a process of attenuating and disappearing. If you apply this, ............................

All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr