Challenging toward monitoring solution for condition of structure and machine.
2024년 10월 9일 수요일
BISOPE series 67 Comparison Solid sound and airborne sound
2024년 1월 21일 일요일
BISOPE series 53 Comparison of Vibration Analysis Vibration and Acousti...
BISOPE series
53- Comparison of Vibration Analysis (Vibration) and Acoustic Emission (AE)
and noise can be easily distinguished by comparing the media of solid and air,
but since vibration and ultrasonic sound emission are not differences in media,
the concept of frequency must be known.
practical use frequency of vibration is about 1~10,000Hz, and noise is
16~8,000Hz, while the area of ultrasonic sound emission
is 2kHz~100kHz. Of course, anything beyond that is
in the radio wave (MHz) range.
The use of ultrasonic waves
in equipment diagnosis probably began with the assumption that sounds or
acoustic vibrations that humans cannot hear may contain information (signals)
about the state of the machine. Therefore, ultrasonic waves are an area that
includes both airborne and structural sounds. Among them, acoustic emission
refers to ultrasonic waves generated due to friction between solids and solids
or between solids and fluids. Bearing friction or fluid
leakage in pipes are exact examples.
Applying ultrasound to equipment
diagnosis, sound emission
#Ultrasonic, #Acoustic emission, #AE, #Piezoelectric sensor, #Acceleration
sensor, #Ultrasonic sensor, #Solid sound, #Vibration education, #340, #SDT,
#170, #18436-6, #resonance, #Resonance analysis, #building vibration, #facility
diagnosis, #vibration measurement, #frequency analysis
2022년 6월 24일 금요일
BISOPE series 9 Selection of appropriate sensor for condition monitoring...
BISOPE series
9- Selection
of appropriate sensor for condition monitoring measurement (focusing on
vibration sensor)
For systems (online,
offline) used for the purpose of efficiently performing maintenance
(maintenance) by monitoring the state, reducing safety failures, and predicting
the time of failure, a sensor that observes the state must be selected. There
are many transducers (sensors) that convert these physical characteristics into
electrical quantities, such as temperature sensors, pressure sensors, force
sensors, flow sensors, position sensors, ultrasonic sensors, and current
sensors. It is very important because it contains information, and it can be
seen as the first gate that plays the role of the five senses (eyes, nose,
mouth, touch, taste) that can check its stability or abnormal state. Therefore,
this sensor is not properly selected, the state cannot be represented and the alarm setting
is also in error, so unnecessary and important values cannot be trusted.
when selecting a vibration sensor for condition monitoring
The installation location and direction of the vibration sensor
and the installation method are important, but first of all, the selection of
the sensor is very important. It is basic to select a sensor according to the
object to be monitored, but looking at other considerations, it can be
summarized as follows.
1. It is not a high-speed, large-scale, critical facility, it is
frequently disassembled and assembled, contains sufficient intermediate frequency,
and it is convenient to select a magnet-attached acceleration sensor that measures the housing.
All copyright korea CBM written by
BISOPE ,, 070-4388-0415,
2016년 5월 8일 일요일
초음파를 보려 하는 이유-초음파 진단 카메라 leak shooter
관련 Tag
초음파, Ultrasonic, 카메라, 설비진단, 누설, Acoustic Emission
2015년 11월 30일 월요일
가스누출 감지 초음파카메라-Leak shooter
관련 Tag
초음파 가스누출감지기, 카메라초음파, 초음파형 누출감지기, 가스누출, 가스누설, 누설검사, Leak shooter, 초음파 설비진단기, 음향방출, Acoustic emission
2015년 11월 9일 월요일
적용사례6-초음파 누설진단 카메라 Leak shooter-스팀트랩
초음파, 공기누출, 스팀트랩, 밸브, Leak shooter, Synergy, 전기코로나 험음, Corona, electrical ultrasonic, acoustic emission
2015년 9월 13일 일요일
적용사례5-초음파 누출진단기 Leak shooter-압축공기의 손실비용
초음파, 공기누출, 밸브, Leak shooter, Synergy, 전기코로나 험음, Corona, electrical ultrasonic, acoustic emission
2015년 8월 23일 일요일
적용사례4-초음파 누출진단기 Leak shooter-밸브 및 스팀트랩
Defaults results in a Steam Trap:
Defaults (mechanical blocking, wear, obstruct…) in Steam Trap can generate: - Harmful water hammer for plants and people working nearby (explosion of pipe, valve, trap ...!) - Regulation process problem: temperature, pressure… - Rust and corrosion problem due to a bad condensates discharge - Energetic performance loss (financial loss of several thousand of € per year and per faulty trap) 스팀트랩의 문제: 워터햄머링, 충전배출방식의 오류로 부식과 분진의 오류, 연간 발생하는 재정적 손실.
With the new ultrasonic vision/detection combined technology LEAKSHOOTER LKS1000 and with a special contact probe, it is possible to detect and listen to these defaults (open, closed, leak…) which create ultrasonic wave due to presence of steam and condensate flow during the running cycle. It is then possible to detect and listen to the normal condition (almost cycling) of the steam trap and detects anomalies (permanent leak of steam for example). 밸브 가동 싸이클을 잘 관찰하여 보상류와 스팀의 현재 상태에서 초음파가 발생하는 상태를 측정하므로써 정상적인 상태와 비정상적인 스팀트랩의 상태를 구분할 수 있게 된다. (컨택프루브, 탐침봉을 이용하여 스팀트랩이 닫혔는지 열렸는지 혹은 누설상태인지를 듣고 계측하는 것) When the default is detected, it is possible to take a photo to make a report on PC for future reparation. All this procedure can be done with or without the headphone, thanks to a colored barograph showing the RMS and MAX RMS ultrasonic values. 문제가 감지되었을 때 컴퓨터에 촬영된 사진을 저장하고 보고서에 삽입하게 되는데 이러한 과정은 헤드폰 없이 수행할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 밸브로부터 발생하는 초음파 발생량을 RMS와 MAX RMS로 막대그래프 형식으로 표기함으로써 매우 효과적이다.
초음파, 공기누출, 스팀트랩, 탐침봉, 밸브, Leak shooter, Synergy, 전기코로나 험음, Corona, electrical ultrasonic, acoustic emission
2015년 8월 9일 일요일
적용사례3-초음파 누출진단기 Leak shooter-전기코로나
초음파, 공기누출, Leak shooter, Synergy, 전기코로나 험음, Corona, electrical ultrasonic, acoustic emission