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2024년 6월 2일 일요일

진동소음공진 하이라이트 222-visope (힘센서,커플링,부하측,유체진동)


힘, 가속도, 압력의 측정

힘은 벡터를 가지고 있는 양이다. 이 벡터의 방향을 측정하여 발생하고 있는 위치나 힘의 전달방향/경로(TPA)를 측정할 수 있다.

힘(F)은 질량(m)과 가속도(a)의 곱으로 나타낼 수 있으므로 힘이 가해지는 질량을 이미 알고 있다면 가속도를 알 수 있다. 또한 힘은 압력(p)과 면적(A)과의 곱이므로 힘이 가해지는 집중 하중의 수직면적을 알고 있다면 힘을 가했을 때 압력 또한 알 수 있다.

그런데 똑같이 생긴 피에조(PIEZO)형식의 센서라도....


Coupling & Coupling effect

위에서 말한 설비의 각 기계 구성요소인 구동부(모터, 터빈, 내연기관)와 피동부(펌프, 팬, 압축기 등)를 연결해 주는 또 하나의 구성요소를 ‘커플링’이라고 한다. 이 커플링의 종류로는 직결플랜지, flexible, jaw, 고무, 기어, 벨트, 체인, 마그네틱 등이 있다. 이 단어는 기계를 조금만이라도 알고 있는 사람이라면....


DE, NDE와 Outboard, Inboard

설비의 위치를 호명하는 것은 전체설비의 진동평가가 최고 진동점의 값으로 이루어지기도 하며 비교대상의 위치와 구분이 필요할 때에도 거론되므로 이미 많은 부분 약속이 되어 있는 사항이다. 그러나 서로 다른 단어로 불러지기도 하는데 이를 정리하여...


물소리는 없다.

잘 생각해 보면, 사실 물소리는 없고 물로 인해 발생되는 소리는 있습니다.

물은 압력을 주어도 부피가 줄지 않는 비압축성유체입니다. 따라서 물에 압력을 가하면 압력이 약한 곳으로 터져 흐르며 부피당 질량이 있으므로 비중과 (‘비중’;물의 밀도와 비교하여 모든 물질을 표현함) 중력에 따라...


#유제기인소음, #유체진동, #밸브진동, #반부하측, #부하측, #커플링, #기어박스, #힘센서, #기어진동, #가속도센서, #진동센서, #피에조, #압전센서, #ICP, #IEPE, #진동교육, #진동문제, #진동모니터링



사진 설명을 입력하세요.

2023년 12월 26일 화요일

BISOPE series 50 Displacement sensor 3 types and weaknesses

BISOPE series 50- Displacement sensor 3 (types and weaknesses)


Displacement means the maximum distance that has changed around the reference line, so it is easy to intuitively judge the maximum amplitude of vibration, and since the amount can represent and replace the magnitude of stress, the main unit of vibration used in various standards (displacement, speed, acceleration). In particular, it is widely used for direct deflection and vibration of structures, vibration monitoring of pipes, and ‘online monitoring’ of shaft behavior using sleeve bearings. This is also the reason why low-frequency acceleration sensors are widely used. The sensor used at this time is accurate and good for evaluation if it directly outputs the displacement, but on the other hand, there are many cases where its use is limited due to limitations in its installation, orientation, and frequency.


​Understanding the diversity and weaknesses of displacement sensors



Type of Displacement sensor


Disadvantages and Features

Eddy current principle ,

Proximity probe,  Gap sensor

- Responds only to conductors


- Interference between nearby sensors and nearby conductors (a gap of at least 3 times the diameter of the sensor must be provided)


-Vibration measurement below the unit of mm


Linear measurement below -1000Hz


-Linear variable differential transducer (measuring the amount of movement of protrusions, bar type, wire type, )


- When measuring absolute displacement, it is necessary to manufacture a jig for the reference position


- Suitable for low frequencies (below 50Hz)


Strain gauge

Measuring micro displacement, vulnerable to noise








Laser doppler

High-frequency measurements (40 kHz) are very expensive


Weak in accuracy, low price, general purpose





Currently actively researching resolution issues





#vibration sensor, #displacement sensor, #proximity probe, #displacement sensor, #VMS, #eddy current, #LVDT, #fft, #vibration education, #acceleration sensor, #3-axis vibration sensor, #status monitoring, #vibration monitoring, # Wireless vibration monitoring, #facility diagnosis, #frequency analysis, #resonance measurement, #resonance analysis, #SDT


2022년 6월 10일 금요일

BISOPE series 7 3 axis vibration sensor 3 axis vibration and accelerati...

BISOPE series 7- 3-axis vibration sensor (3-axis vibration and acceleration sensor)

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An accelerometer is the easiest transducer to measure vibration. Since the measurement direction of this transducer has already been determined, the sensor must be placed in the desired direction for measurement. It doesn't really matter if it's up or down. This is because vibration is repeated and if you want to know the relative movement, you have to use two or more sensors that measure it at the same time anyway. In this case, the concept of a phase is only additionally required. However, compared to a single axis vibration sensor, a triaxial vibration sensor literally means a sensor having the ability to measure the magnitude of vibration in three axes at the same time. It is easy to measure and you will be able to identify vibrations in all directions in a short time.


Advantages and disadvantages of Triaxial Accelerometer

Triaxial is described as each three-dimensional orthogonal direction in Z, X, and Y directions (H, V, A directions in the case of vibration diagnosis of rotating equipment) that are perpendicular to each other. The axes in each direction have an initial phase difference of 90 degrees from each other, and the 3-axis vibration acceleration sensor outputs the amount of vibration acceleration in each direction as voltage. Therefore, it can be said that the 3-axis vibration sensor has the following advantages.


First of all, it is possible to measure the vibrations in all directions at the same time. It measures the vibration in each axis direction at the same time without the need to measure it sequentially with several different sensors or at different times, so it is possible to prove the simultaneous state at the time and shorten the measurement time.


Second, it is possible to measure -----


On the other hand, the 3-axis vibration acceleration sensor is at least twice as high expensive as the combined price of all three single-axis sensors, and the average probability of failure (MTBF) of the single-axis sensor is shortened to 1 year compared to the manufacturer's recommended 3 years. do. However, in fact, the piezo-type accelerometer is more robust and less durable than expected, so it is not easy to check the broken state. Recently, like a gyro sensor, a modularized sensor capable of measuring 6-axis vibration has already appeared, and like MEMS, which basically employs 3 axes, new-technology vibration sensors with clear advantages of low frequency have already started to lead in price. The day when MEMS sensors will be used more often than piezos can be seen in the near future.


Key! Vibration sensor, accelerometer,, Acceleration, Accelerometer, piezoelectric effect, piezoelectric element,piezo,ICP,3 axis vibration sensor,3 axis vibration, vibration measurement ,mems, iepe, vibration education


All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr