2022년 10월 12일 수요일

BISOPE series 18 Shock and vibration noise concept

BISOPE series 18- Shock and vibration noise concept



If you look at the generation of shock vibration or noise, you can explain something related to ‘sudden’ or ‘strong’. For example, the strength of firing a gun, the strength of a press machine, the suddenness when an automobile accident occurs, and the suddenness and strong destructive force that occur during blasting or demolition work. Shock can cause a state of shock mentally, but it certainly causes vibration and noise physically. Impact force is the main cause of vibration and noise, but using impact can also infer many useful results. Thus, the concepts of shock and vibration noise were summarized.


The auses of vibration are largely divided into two types: unbalance force and impact force. However, if divided into 4 in detail, the causes of vibration are caused by fluid such as unbalance force of rotating machinery, vibration caused by shock, induced vibration of electric machinery or corona leakage current. This is the self-excited vibration. Among them, matters related to impact force are summarized.


1. Impact is expressed as potential energy of position and kinetic energy due to inertia of mass.

 2. Impact gives an initial excitation force to induce a transient and has the meaning of maximum dynamic load.

All copyright 한국CBM written by BISOPE


All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr

bearing fault,3axis,CMS,monitoring,vibration,resonance,mems,measurement,CBM,MHM,PHM,natural frequency,FFT,Pdm,Accelerometer,Frequency,SHM,vibration analysis,VMS,

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