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레이블이 monitoring인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2024년 12월 11일 수요일

BISOPE series 71 Difference between Inspection and Monitoring Inspectio...

BISOPE series 71- Difference between Inspection and Monitoring (Inspection Vs Monitoring)


The world of results through artificial intelligence (AI) is all the rage. Although we may not have complete trust in the results, I think there will come a day when we all realize that people will make the final judgment. Meanwhile, monitoring is a term that refers to a system that provides information from facial features, hands, and feet to data for artificial intelligence. Without this, no matter how smart you are, you cannot even start calculating, let alone getting results. However, since this monitoring is used similarly to inspection, there are cases where it is difficult to distinguish between the two, so I would like to explain it in terms that are scientific and used in the field.

Difference between Good/Defective and Defect probability (%)


When you go to the hospital and get examined, they tell you to get tested to diagnose. They diagnose you by looking at the results from blood tests, X-ray tests, etc. These results are evaluated with certain result values ​​and reference values. This is a procedure that is not much different from the method used in the factory, and it is performed to determine whether a product is defective or good, and it is called ‘Inspection’ in the same way.


Therefore, it can be determined that monitoring cannot be included in inspection and is the opposite. Artificial intelligence makes judgments through data. It can be explained in another concept. Through monitoring, people or AI can find out the results for good judgment, but it is not like inspection where you can find out the results immediately after checking once. In other words, monitoring is a process where data through multiple inspections are accumulated.



Keywords: Online monitoring system, VMS, inspection, monitoring

#vibration measuring instrument, #frequency setting, #Fmax, #maximum frequency, #sampling frequency, #sampling rate, #FFT, #3-axis vibration sensor, #acceleration sensor, #vibration education, #building vibration, #vibration measurement, #resonance analysis, #resonance measurement, #vibration monitoring, #vibration noise consulting  www.kCBM.kr,   https://blog.naver.com/vs72 , https://contents.premium.naver.com/bisope/visope




2023년 6월 28일 수요일

BISOPE series 40 Vibration evaluation grade and notation method level o...

BISOPE series 40- Vibration evaluation grade and notation method (level of vibration state ABCDE)


The person in charge of vibration technology is bound to hear the question, “What is the current vibration state of the object in question (equipment, structure, building, etc.)?” from the manager or the person in charge of other technologies. You can even ask about the results when you have only measured and delivered the data. So always have an answer ready for your question.

Basically, evaluating the state of an object requires comprehensive judgment based on absolute, relative, and mutual standards, so it is not easy to answer at the time. . The evaluation of the state of this absolute standard is mainly divided into good / bad / unacceptable, and the various expressions and standards have been summarized.

Level display of vibration evaluation

First of all, the method expressed in overseas standards and reference standards using graphs is that the British type is mainly marked with ABCDE 5 grades, and ......




All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr

#online monitoring system, #VMS, #alarm setting, #vibration risk setting, #trend, #vibration rating, #vibration evaluation, #vibration measurement, #resonance measurement, #resonance analysis, #frequency analysis, #vibration consulting, #vibration Sensor, #FFT, #spectrum, #vibration education

2023년 4월 26일 수요일

BISOPE series 35 The frequency range of the sensormeans the degree of f...

BISOPE series 35- The frequency range of the sensor(means the degree of frequency response accuracy)


In selecting a transducer, the most important priority would be sensitivity and 'Frequency range'.

To explain the vertical axis in the graph of amplitude and frequency, it would be nice if one sensor could measure all amplitudes, but it can never be done because it depends on the sensitivity. To explain the horizontal axis in this way, if all sensors can measure all frequencies, there is no reason to select a sensor. This is because each type of vibration sensor, further subdivided, each type of vibration sensor (including an acceleration sensor) has its own frequency range of an area where measurement is accurate. This is called the frequency range.


Frequency range

The sensor indicates the range of measurable frequencies (e.g., acceleration sensor: 0.5 to 10 kHz), and the definition of this range is slightly different depending on the user, so that the maximum and minimum frequency ranges corresponding to the 'accurate zone' of the measurement can be selected. This frequency range is 'a reliable area where the sensor can output a properly matched signal; It means 'the range of frequency response accuracy according to the frequency sensitivity deviation', and although the meaning is slightly different from the non-linearity of the sensor, this reliable area can be expressed as a linear area.

Looking at the criterion of error amplitude related to the frequency domain, select the rate of change of the amplitude limit that can be judged by the presence or absence of an error, eg) ±3dB, ±5%, ±10%, etc., and the applicable frequency at this time is ..........


 All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr

2023년 3월 15일 수요일

BISOPE series 31 Relation between type of vibration sensor and unit of ...

BISOPE series 31- Relation between type of vibration sensor and unit of amplitude (displacement, velocity, acceleration) Vibration measurement and evaluation


If the desired 'unit' of vibration is selected as a result for the evaluation, the next step is to select an appropriate 'sensor'. First of all, it is necessary to check whether contact attachment is possible at the location to be measured... or whether the attachment method is appropriate. For example, in the case of high frequency (more than 5000Hz), the magnetic attachment method is not appropriate, and if you want to measure the behavior of an axis, it is difficult to use a contact sensor. Also, if you try to measure the speed and measure 5 Hz using a coin type speed sensor, you will get an amplified error signal. This is because the characteristics of each sensor are different depending on the amplitude band, frequency band, resonance band, etc.


Selection of displacement, velocity, and acceleration sensors such as amplitude units

Since the output voltage or current is proportional to each unit, the selection of the unit is not very different from the selection of the sensor. Sensors mainly used for diagnosing and monitoring equipment


1. Eddy current type displacement sensor (Proximity) that directly measures the behavior of a shaft supported by a sleeve bearing in a non-contact manner.

2. Accelerometer, which propagates shaft vibration to rolling bearing and measures it indirectly by contact method outside the bearing housing (indirectly transmitted to the housing by impact of the bearing connected to the shaft)

3. There is a velocity transducer that works without power.

However, among these, the speed sensor is very precise, but has a weakness limited to the range of 10 to 1000 Hz because it has a natural frequency in the upper and lower frequencies, which is why displacement sensors and acceleration sensors are widely used. (If it is out of this frequency range, an erroneous or amplified value is output.)

A sensor (transducer) is one of the components of a system that is mainly used by companies that use sensors to research, diagnose or manufacture monitoring equipment. Since the manufacturer has selected a sensor that fits a specific principle, the manufacturer has accumulated a lot of engineering grounds for this. In many cases, the level of engineering is considerably deeper than that of academia because it must be required and the reliability of the measurement needs to be verified.

Above all, this principle can be considered as the most basic sensor selection method. The reason why a displacement sensor is called a displacement sensor and an acceleration sensor is called an acceleration sensor is that each sensor generates an electrical output 'proportional to the amplitude unit'. It's because you do it. For example, since the value converted to displacement by outputting acceleration vibration with an acceleration sensor and integrating twice is not very accurate (especially when it is not a sine wave), it is better to measure acceleration vibration with an acceleration sensor, and displacement vibration It is basic to measure with a displacement sensor. However, there are cases where it is absolutely necessary to evaluate the health of a machine or the vibration of a building with the 'velocity' value, which is used as the most evaluation unit in academia and industry, so this only allows integration from the acceleration sensor once. Because the speed sensor isn't cool...

All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr

2023년 3월 1일 수요일

BISOPE series 30 Noise and Vibration Stay away from it if you are tire...

BISOPE series 30- Noise and Vibration- Stay away from it if you are tired- What is sound distance attenuation?


Whatever it is, power (#Power, output) itself is constant, but energy (#Energy, work) gets smaller as the distance increases; As you move, the energy gets smaller and smaller.


Noise and vibration are lost as kinetic energy and potential energy are transformed into thermal energy or other energy. That is, the wave energy must go through a process of attenuating and disappearing. If you apply this, ............................

All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr

2023년 2월 22일 수요일

BISOPE series 29 Comparison of dB dB and % Percent

BISOPE series 29- Comparison of dB (dB) and % (Percent)


'dB (dB, decibel)', which is used as the most common way to determine the level of amplitude, is often used when trying to explain 'to what extent to be compared', especially for the evaluation of linearity, which is the usable frequency range of vibration and noise, measuring instruments or sensors. there is. Explain again how this differs from '%'.


The reason why the linear section of the graph is selected as dB or % is used when setting standards for reliability in various applications (mathematics, physics, measurement, medicine, statistics, etc.). In particular, it is an essential confirmation condition for accurate measurement and selection in the sensor field. At this time, dB and % can be understood in terms of mathematical principles, but they can be difficult to compare in practice, so they are compared and explained.


dB and % are comparison methods.

dB is an amplitude value expressing log (ratio of change rate), and % is a method of expressing the size of a linear (arithmetic) value. If % has changed by 50%, this is self-explanatory and easy to understand. But what does it mean that dB 'changed by 3dB'?............

All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr

2023년 2월 1일 수요일

BISOPE series 27 Equal loudness contours

What is Frequency? The number of cycles per second, that is, the number of repetitions per second, is used as a unit called ‘# Hertz (Hz)’. On the other hand, there is ‘#Octave’ as a filter that goes well with human listening ability, and this #filter is used to estimate the speed of sound that can be roughly distinguished by human ears. Therefore, if the horizontal axis is the octave-filtered Hz and the vertical axis is expressed as sound pressure or amplitudes, it is called a #frequency analysis graph (#spectrum analysis graph) because it can indicate which frequency of this wave is how large the amplitude is.

There is a limit to the frequency band that humans can hear, and even within that range, the sensitivity of listening differs depending on how many Hz the sound or vibration heard is. In other words, even if sound or #vibration of the same size (#sound pressure, #amplitude), according to the frequency (#low frequency? or #high frequency?), humans say 'the size is different'.

Phone curves - Equal loudness contours

Compared to animals with large ears, such as elephants, humans tend to be less able to hear in the low-frequency range. However, it can be sensitively noticed, especially around 3,900 Hz. The reason is that they saw the advantage of the resonance effect ............

All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr

bearing fault,3axis,CMS,monitoring,vibration,resonance,mems,measurement,CBM,MHM,PHM,natural frequency,FFT,Pdm,Accelerometer,Frequency,SHM,vibration analysis,VMS,

2023년 1월 4일 수요일

BISOPE series 25 About the bad and good points of vibration

BISOPE series 25- About the bad and good points of vibration


No matter how much people try to deny and avoid it, they cannot avoid the #wave that is transmitted through any form. A person hears because the eardrum vibrates, and sees the reflected form with the eyes because of the transmission by the wave of light. Breathing involves repetitive movements of the lungs, and walking is achieved by cyclic oscillating movements of the arms and legs. In addition, it speaks through the movement of the larynx and tongue, and it is possible to know that there is a call through sound or vibration. Early scholars in the field of vibration focused their efforts on the development of mathematical theories to understand natural phenomena, and were applied to the design of machines, structures, engines, and control systems in an engineering way, and focused on the design of motion, and safety, productivity, and asset management in the field. In order to efficiently proceed with vibration, vibration continues to be researched on the health and destruction of structures and machines, and human discomfort.


The damage of vibration and the use of vibration


Rotating machines (engines, fans, pumps, motors, etc.) generate #imbalance vibration due to poor design or current bad condition. The imbalance may cause a second large vibration when rotating at high speed, and the repetition of repeated motions leads to plastic deformation or fracture.




All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr

2022년 12월 28일 수요일

BISOPE series 24 Vibration sensor measurement location and direction Ac...

BISOPE series 24- Vibration sensor measurement location and direction (Accelerometer measurement point install & direction)


If an accelerometer is used to measure vibration, it must be attached securely to the vibrating surface. Be mindful of the knowledge of contact resonance, such as magnets, bonds, screw studs, and wax. On the one hand, consider the issue of where to attach the #vibration sensor. Also, in order to solve this vibration problem well, there will be questions about which direction to measure and which spatial position of the target object to set. Before finding evaluation criteria for evaluating vibration, these principles should be understood first. Here, we will explain the points and directions for vibration measurement (#condition monitoring, #facility diagnosis, #online monitoring, #vibration frequency analysis) promised to engineers internationally.

Setting the vibration measurement location and direction!


The first reason for measuring the vibration of an object (structure or machine) is for evaluation (#Assessment), and the second reason is for diagnosis (diagnosis) to identify the cause of vibration. However, in order to diagnose, it is necessary to check the behavior (moving, deflection shape) of the object in advance in addition to frequency analysis. (Non drive end, NDE, Outboard) in each direction (horizontal, vertical, axial-H, V, A) must be measured. This is because only then can the behavior of an object be guessed.

Of course, if the location to be measured is limited or the object is too small, and...................................


All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr

2022년 12월 21일 수요일

BISOPE series 23 Vibration! 1x, 1xTS, 1Order high phenomenon

BISOPE series 23- Vibration!--1x, 1xTS, 1Order high phenomenon


The hypothesis that “resolving the problem of vibration is the same as solving the cause of a mechanical defect” through vibration analysis, that the machine condition is not good when the vibration is high No need.


When you first enter the vibration field during equipment diagnosis, you will learn and speak 1X (“ONE X”). Everyone has been thinking about whether to call it “1 times, 1X” until they first hear it being called 1X. Because the book doesn't explain it so easily. Also, in order to find the cause of 10X, it is “one X” that must be understood..

1X, 1X, 1x TS, Order, 1x RPM


1X’ refers to the first of the components proportional to the turning speed of the machine and is usually expressed in Hz. (If it is RPM, divide by 60.) So 2X is a frequency that is twice 1X, and therefore 10X is a frequency that is an integer multiple of 10 times 1X.

For example, when expressing 90Hz vibration in a motor rotating at 1800rpm, you can say "90Hz amplitude is large, or 5400rpm amplitude is low". This can be conveniently referred to as "3X is greater or lower". In addition, this expression of 'X' can be used more usefully when the number of rotations changes...........................


All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr