What is Frequency? The number of cycles per second, that
is, the number of repetitions per second, is used as a unit called ‘# Hertz (Hz)’. On the other hand, there
is ‘#Octave’ as a filter that goes well with human
listening ability, and this #filter is used to estimate the speed of sound that
can be roughly distinguished by human ears. Therefore, if the horizontal axis
is the octave-filtered Hz and the vertical axis is expressed as sound pressure
or amplitudes, it is called a #frequency analysis graph (#spectrum analysis graph) because it can indicate
which frequency of this wave is how large the amplitude is.
There is a limit to the frequency band that humans can
hear, and even within that range, the sensitivity of listening differs
depending on how many Hz the sound or vibration heard is. In other words, even
if sound
or #vibration of the same size (#sound pressure, #amplitude), according to the
frequency (#low frequency? or #high frequency?), humans say 'the size is
Phone curves - Equal loudness contours
Compared to animals with large ears, such as elephants, humans tend to be less able to hear in the low-frequency range. However, it can be sensitively noticed, especially around 3,900 Hz. The reason is that they saw the advantage of the resonance effect ............
All copyright korea CBM written by
BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415, www.kCBM.kr
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