2023년 2월 22일 수요일

BISOPE series 29 Comparison of dB dB and % Percent

BISOPE series 29- Comparison of dB (dB) and % (Percent)


'dB (dB, decibel)', which is used as the most common way to determine the level of amplitude, is often used when trying to explain 'to what extent to be compared', especially for the evaluation of linearity, which is the usable frequency range of vibration and noise, measuring instruments or sensors. there is. Explain again how this differs from '%'.


The reason why the linear section of the graph is selected as dB or % is used when setting standards for reliability in various applications (mathematics, physics, measurement, medicine, statistics, etc.). In particular, it is an essential confirmation condition for accurate measurement and selection in the sensor field. At this time, dB and % can be understood in terms of mathematical principles, but they can be difficult to compare in practice, so they are compared and explained.


dB and % are comparison methods.

dB is an amplitude value expressing log (ratio of change rate), and % is a method of expressing the size of a linear (arithmetic) value. If % has changed by 50%, this is self-explanatory and easy to understand. But what does it mean that dB 'changed by 3dB'?............

All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr

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