2022년 9월 7일 수요일

BISOPE series 15 Critical frequency, Critical speed Vibration analysi...

BISOPE series 15- Critical frequency, Critical speed - Vibration analysis, vibration measurement, vibration monitoring


In everything that changes, there is something called a critical point (Critical point) that is predetermined, existed from the beginning, and suddenly occurs. The point at which water begins to freeze or boil is called that, and what is set to be observed by all physical and all laws and standards in life is also defined as a ‘limit’. There is also vibration. The boundary between a state that periodically vibrates and decays and a state that damps without vibration is called critical damping. There is also a critical speed at which resonance occurs. Vibration is always an issue in conclusion, how large is the amplitude? Since most of the decisions are made by predicting when the most dangerous time is, it is important to know in what case the amplitude rises significantly.


Critical Frequency & Critical Speed​


When the natural frequency and the operational frequency coincide, this is called resonance, and at this time, the amplitude is greatly increased. Natural frequency refers to the original properties that are hidden in the case of a machine or structure, whereas the excitation frequency is a case that can be changed during operation (temporary transmission). The problem is when the excitation or rotation frequency coincides with the natural frequency, and this frequency is called the 'critical frequency or critical frequency'. In this case, it usually means only the natural frequency of the primary vibration mode (Mode).

If we expand---


All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr

bearing fault,3axis,CMS,monitoring,vibration,resonance,mems,measurement,CBM,MHM,PHM,natural frequency,FFT,Pdm,Accelerometer,Frequency,SHM,vibration analysis,VMS,

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