2023년 2월 19일 일요일

4채널 FFT 진동소음 주파수분석기- 연구용, 진단용 진동계측기

 4채널 FFT 진동소음 주파수분석기- 연구용, 진단용 진동계측기

FFT 진동주파수 분석기를 찾으신다면 연구원들이 가장 보편적으로 사용하는 것은 어떤 것인지 궁금하시지 않을까요? 어떤 장점이 있기에, 그것을 사용하고 있을까요?

참조하십시오. 대한민국에서 가장 많이 선택한 휴대형 FFT진동/소음분석기입니다. 계측기 영업사원이 모든 진실을 말해주지는 않습니다. 추천합니다.

4ch fft 주파수분석기-kcbm.kr

impaq Elite: Born for In-Field Testing

The impaq Elite Portable Dynamic Signal Analyzer is a 4-channel, portable data collector and vibration analyzer built for advanced noise and vibration measurements in the field.

● Ruggedized housing by a dual injection molding process

● Protective sealing to provide an IP65 rating

● Large 6.4-inch color VGA high resolution touch screen.

● Powered by WinCE operating system

● 24-bit sigma delta AD converters

● Up to 40 kHz maximum bandwidth

● High-speed DSP for performing real-time signal analysis

Modular vibration analysis software for specific applications:

● FFT #spectrum analysis , #Octave spectrum analysis, #Dynamic balancing, #Vibration Meter

#Order Tracking, #Raw data recording

More information? -> 한국CBM(주) vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,

#FFT #4ch #주파수 분석기 (연구 #진동소음분석 전문가용)

-요약: 현장에 최적인 다양한 전문 #진동고급기능탑재

-용도: 전문가 #진동/소음분석가용, 소규모 연구용

-가격대: ~5천만.

-추천사항: 다양한-쉬운 분석기능, 측정즉시분석(PC기반소프트웨어), 가격대.

#주파수분석, #공진측정, #공진분석, #진동분석, #소음분석, #진동교육, #모니터링

2023년 2월 8일 수요일

BISOPE series 28 FFT Basic Glossary Vibration Settings

BISOPE series 28- FFT Basic Glossary - Vibration Settings


Whether in a conversation or a book, if the terminology used does not agree with each other, it can lead to a completely different understanding and thus a different result. In fact, instrument manufacturers, including Korea, often use different terms because they are in different countries and have slightly different technical scopes. Therefore, those who want to acquire that knowledge will know the difference between the terms only after they have used many materials or many types of instruments. Here, basic terms and common sense that need to be organized during conversations to share knowledge with measurement engineers when using FFT vibration measuring instruments or vibration and noise related software are briefly summarized. (continue to be updated upon request)


Vibration and Noise Measurement Terms: Window, Peak Hold, Trigger, Order, Leakage​, Aliasing





Leakage, errors resulting from the inconsistency of the start and end points of blocks when acquiring signals in block size (errors and negative signals in amplitude and frequency on the spectrum)


A function that converges the start and end points of a block to the reference point (0) by multiplying a virtual signal (window function) to minimize leakage errors


There are methods such as acquisition of signals multiple times and averaging, arithmetic average, and exponential average. It is used for removing noise when measuring irregular signals. Among these types, Synchronous Averaging means averaging only the order.)


All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr

65 FFT 기초용어모음 진동계측기 설정

FFT 기초용어모음-진동계측기 설정


대화이건 책이건간에 사용하는 용어가 서로 일치하지 않으면 전혀 다른 이해를 할 수 있고 그래서 또 다른 결과도 나올 수 있다. 사실 대한민국을 포함하여 계측기 제조사들은 국가도 다르고 기술범위도 약간씩 차이가 있어서 용어를 달리 사용하는 경우가 많다. 따라서 그 지식을 습득하려는 사람들은 많은 자료나 많은 종류의 계측기를 사용해본 후에야 비로소 그 용어들의 차이를 알게 된다는 것이다. 여기서는 FFT 진동계측기 또는 진동소음관련 소프트웨어의 사용시 측정 엔지니어들과 서로 지식을 공유하고 나누는 대화 중에 정리해야할 기본용어 및 상식을 간단하게라도 정리하였다. (요청시 계속 업데이트 예정)

진동소음 계측용어: 윈도우, 피크홀드, 트리거, 오더, 리키지​, 에일리에이싱




누설, 신호를 Block size로 취득할 때, Block의 시작과 끝점이 일치하지 않아서 발생하는 오류결과(스펙트럼 상 진폭과 주파수에 오류 및 부신호 발생)


Leakage오류를 최소화하기 위해 가상신호(윈도우함수)를 곱해서 Block의 시작과 끝점을 기준점(0)으로 수렴하게 하는 함수

All copyright 한국CBM written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415, www.kCBM.kr


#FFT, #Averaging, #Leakage, #Order tracking, #Aliasing, #Peakhold, #resonance, #진동교육, #주파수분석, #공진측정, #공진분석, #진동센서, #공사장모니터링

2023년 2월 1일 수요일

BISOPE series 27 Equal loudness contours

What is Frequency? The number of cycles per second, that is, the number of repetitions per second, is used as a unit called ‘# Hertz (Hz)’. On the other hand, there is ‘#Octave’ as a filter that goes well with human listening ability, and this #filter is used to estimate the speed of sound that can be roughly distinguished by human ears. Therefore, if the horizontal axis is the octave-filtered Hz and the vertical axis is expressed as sound pressure or amplitudes, it is called a #frequency analysis graph (#spectrum analysis graph) because it can indicate which frequency of this wave is how large the amplitude is.

There is a limit to the frequency band that humans can hear, and even within that range, the sensitivity of listening differs depending on how many Hz the sound or vibration heard is. In other words, even if sound or #vibration of the same size (#sound pressure, #amplitude), according to the frequency (#low frequency? or #high frequency?), humans say 'the size is different'.

Phone curves - Equal loudness contours

Compared to animals with large ears, such as elephants, humans tend to be less able to hear in the low-frequency range. However, it can be sensitively noticed, especially around 3,900 Hz. The reason is that they saw the advantage of the resonance effect ............

All copyright  korea CBM  written by BISOPE , vs72@naver.com, 070-4388-0415,  www.kCBM.kr

bearing fault,3axis,CMS,monitoring,vibration,resonance,mems,measurement,CBM,MHM,PHM,natural frequency,FFT,Pdm,Accelerometer,Frequency,SHM,vibration analysis,VMS,